Copy vs. View Behavior#

In Meerkat, as in other data structures (e.g. NumPy, Pandas ), it is important to understand whether or not two variables point to objects that share the same underlying data. If they do, modifying one will affect the other. If they don’t, data must be getting copied, which could have implications for efficiency. Consider the following example:

>>> import meerkat as mk
>>> col1 = mk.NumpyArrayColumn(np.arange(10))
>>> col2 = col1[:4]
>>> col2[0] = -1
>>> print(col1[0])

Is 0 or -1 printed out?

It turns out that in this case it is -1 that is printed. This is because col2 is a “view” of the col1 array, meaning that the two variables point to objects that share the same underlying data. However, if we were to change the third line to col2 = col1[np.arange(4)], a seemingly inconsequential change, then the underlying data would be copied and it would be 0 that is printed.

In this guide, we will discuss how to know when two variables in Meerkat share underlying data. In general, Meerkat inherits the copy and view behavior of its backend data structures (Numpy Arrays, Pandas Series, Torch Tensors). So, users who are are ‘ familiar with those libraries should find it straightforward to predict Meerkat’s copying and viewing behavior.

We’ll begin by defining some terms: coreferences, views and copies. These terms describe the different relationships that could exist between two variables pointing to AbstractColumn or DataPanel objects. Then, we’ll discuss how to know whether indexing a Meerkat data structures will result in a copy, coreference or view.

Copies, Views, and Coreferences#


Let’s enumerate the different relationships that could exist between two column variables col1 and col2.

Coreferences - Both variables refer to the same AbstractColumn object.

>>> col1 is col2

Of course, in this case, anything changes made to col1 will also be made to col2 and vice versa.

Views - The variables refer to different AbstractColumn objects (i.e. col1 is not col1), but modifying the data of col1 affects col2 :

  1. either because and reference the same object

    # a. the underlying data variables reference the same object
    >>> is
  2. or because is a view of (or vice versa)

    ## For example, if is np.ndarray
    >>> isinstance(, np.ndarray)
    # b. the underlying data share memory
    >>> is
  • How are views created? Views of a column are created in one of two ways:

    1. Implicitly with col._clone(data=new_data) where shares memory with new_datafor one of the reasons described above.

    2. Explicitly with col.view() which is simply a wrapper around col._clone:

      def view(self):
          return self._clone()
  • What about other attributes? (e.g. loader in an ImageColumn) It depends.

    col1 and col2 refer to different column objects, so assignment to attributes in col1 will not affect col2 (and vice versa):

    >>> col1.loader = fn1
    >>> col1.loader == col2.loader

    However, these attributes are not copied! So, stateful changes to the attributes will carry across columns:

    >>> col1.loader.size = 224
    >>> col2.loader.size == 224

    If we’d like attributes, we’ll have to use “Deep Copies”.

Copies The variables refer to different AbstractColumn objects (i.e. col1 is not col1), and modifying the data of col1 does not affect col2

In this case, and []( do not share memory.

  • How are copies created? Copies of a column are created in one of two ways:

    1. Implicitly with col._clone(data=new_data) where []( does not share memory with new_data.

    2. Explicitly with col.copy() which is simply a wrapper around col._clone:

      def copy(self):
          new_data = self._copy_data()
          return self._clone(data=new_data)

      where _copy_data is a backend-specific method that copies the data. For example, if the backend is a Numpy Array, then _copy_data will simply return This is an important point: each column must know how to truly copy it’s data.

  • What about other attributes? (e.g. loader in an ImageColumn) Same as “View” above.


Let’s do the same for two DataPanel variables dp1 and dp2.

Coreferences - Both variables refer to the same DataPanel object.

>>> dp1 is dp2

Of course, in this case, anything that is done to dp1 will also be done to dp2 and vice versa.

Views - The variables refer to different DataPanel objects (i.e. dp1 is not dp2), but some of the columns in dp1 are coreferences or views of some of the columns in dp2

  • How are views created? Views of a DataPanel are created in one of three ways:

    1. Implicitly with dp._clone(data=new_data) where dp.columns includes some columns with new_datafor one of the reasons described above.

    2. Implicitly when a column from one DataPanel is added to another (e.g. dp1["a"] = dp2["b"]. Behind the scenes,

    3. Explicitly with dp.view() which simply calls col.view() on all its columns and then passes them dp._clone(data=view_columns)

  • What about other attributes? (e.g. index_column in an EntityDataPanel) It depends.

    dp1 and dp2 refer to different column objects, so assignment to attributes in dp1 will not affect dp2 (and vice versa):

    >>> dp1.loader = fn1
    >>> dp1.loader == dp2.loader

    However, these attributes are not copied! So, stateful changes to the attributes will carry across DataPanels:

    >>> dp1.loader.size = 224
    >>> dp2.loader.size == 224

Copies The variables refer to different DataPanel objects (i.e. dp1 is not dp2), and all of the columns in dp1 are copies of the the columns in dp2

  • How are copies created? Copies of a column are created in one of two ways.

    1. Implicitly with col._clone(data=new_data) where []( does not share memory with new_data.

    2. Explicitly with col.copy() which is simply a wrapper around col._clone:

      def copy(self):
          new_data = self._copy_data()
          return self._clone(data=new_data)

      where _copy_data is a backend-specific method that copies the data. For example, if the backend is a Numpy Array, then _copy_data will simply return This is an important point: each column must know how to truly copy it’s data.

  • What about other attributes? (e.g. index_column in an EntityDataPanel) Same as “View” above.

Behavior when Indexing#

Indexing rows#

In Meerkat, we select rows by indexing with int, slice , Sequence[int], or an np.ndarray , torch.Tensor, pandas.Series with an integer or boolean type.

We can select rows from an AbstractColumn

col: mk.AbstractColumn = ...
# (1) int -> single value
value: object = col[0]
# (2) slice -> a sub column
new_col: mk.AbstractColumn = col[0:10]
# (3) sequence -> a sub column
new_col: mk.AbstractColumn = col[[0, 4, 6]]

… or from a DataPanel

dp: mk.DataPanel = ...
# (1) int -> dict
row: dict = dp[0]
# (2) slice -> a DataPanel slice
new_dp: mk.DataPanel = dp[0:10]
# (3) sequence -> a DataPanel slice
new_dp: mk.Datapanel = dp[[0, 4, 6]]

From a column. When selecting rows from a column col, Meerkat takes the following approach:

Step 1. Indexes the underlying data object stored at []( (e.g. np.ndarray or torch.tensor) always deferring to the copy/view strategy of that data structure. This gives us a new data object, new_data which may or may not share memory with with the original depending on the strategy of the underlying data structure.

  • Copy/View strategies of data structures underlying core Meerkat columns.

    • torch

      When accessing the contents of a tensor via indexing, PyTorch follows Numpy behaviors that basic indexing returns views, while advanced indexing returns a copy. Assignment via either basic or advanced indexing is in-place. See more examples in Numpy indexing documentation.

    • numpy

      Advanced indexing always returns a copy of the data (contrast with basic slicing that returns a view). (source)

    • pandas

      But in pandas, whether you get a view or not depends on the structure of the DataFrame and, if you are trying to modify a slice, the nature of the modification. (source)

      One particularly odd behavior that is worht pointing out is as follows

Step 2. Clones the original column, col, and stores the the newly indexed data object, new_data, in it (i.e. with col._clone(data=new_data).

So, selecting rows from a column col returns either a view or a copy, depending on the underlying data structure.

From a DataPanel. When selecting rows from a DataPanel dp, Meerkat takes the following approach:

Step 1. Indexes each of the columns using the strategy above.

Note: sometimes this step proceeds in batches according to the BlockManager.

Step 2. Clones the original DataPanel, dp, passing the newly indexed columns. This new DataPanel will be:

  • either a view of the original dp, if any of the indexed columns are views

  • or a copy if all of the indexed columns are copies

Indexing columns#

In Meerkat, we select columns from a DataPanel by either indexing with str or a Sequence[str] :

# (1) `str` -> single column
col: mk.AbstractColumn = dp["col_a"]
# (2) `Sequence[str]` -> multiple columns
dp: mk.DataPanel = dp[["col_a", "col_b"]]

When selecting columns from a DataPanel, Meerkat always returns a coreference to the underlying column(s) – not a copy or view.

  1. Indexing a single column (i.e. with a str) returns the underlying AbstractColumn object directly. In the example below col1 and col2 are coreferences of the same column.

# (1) `str` -> single column
>>> col1: mk.AbstractColumn = dp["col_a"]
>>> col2: mk.AbstractColumn = dp["col_a"]
>>> col1 is col2
  1. Indexing multiple columns (i.e. with Sequence[str]) returns a view of the DataPanel holding views to the columns in the original DataPanel. This means the AbstractColumn objects held in the new DataPanel are the same AbstractColumn objects held in the original DataPanel.

# (1) `Sequence[str]` -> single column
>>> new_dp: mk.DataPanel = dp[["col_a", "col_b"]]
>>> new_dp["col_a"] is dp["col_a"]
>>> new_dp["col_a"].data is dp["col_a"].data