Introduction to Data Structures ================================ Meerkat provides two data structures, the column and the datapanel, that together help you build, manage, and explore machine learning datasets . Everything you do with Meerkat will involve one or both of these data structures, so we begin this user guide with their high-level introduction. Column ------- A column is a sequential data structure (analagous to a `Series `_ in Pandas or a `Vector `_ in R). Meerkat supports a diverse set of column types (*e.g.* :class:`~meerkat.NumpyArrayColumn`, :class:`~meerkat.ImageColumn`), each intended for different kinds of data. To see a list of the core column types and their capabilities, see :doc:`column_types`. Below we create a simple column to hold a set of images stored on disk. To create it, we simply pass filepaths to the :class:`~meerkat.ImageColumn` constructor. .. ipython:: python @suppress import os import meerkat as mk @suppress abs_path_to_img_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(mk.__file__)), "docs/assets/guide/data_structures") img_col = mk.ImageColumn( ["img_0.jpg", "img_1.jpg", "img_2.jpg"], base_dir=abs_path_to_img_dir ) img_col @suppress from display import display_dp @suppress display_dp(img_col, "simple_column") .. raw:: html :file: ../html/display/simple_column.html All Meerkat columns are subclasses of :class:`~meerkat.AbstractColumn` and share a common interface, which includes :meth:`~meerkat.AbstractColumn.__len__`, :meth:`~meerkat.AbstractColumn.__getitem__`, :meth:`~meerkat.AbstractColumn.__setitem__`, :meth:`~meerkat.AbstractColumn.filter`, :meth:``, and :meth:`~meerkat.AbstractColumn.concat`. Below we get the length of the column we just created. .. ipython:: python len(img_col) Certain column types may expose additional functionality. For example, :class:`~meerkat.NumpyArrayColumn` inherits most of the functionality of an `ndarray `_. .. ipython:: python id_col = mk.NumpyArrayColumn([0, 1, 2]) id_col.sum() id_col == 1 To see the full list of methods available to a column type, If you don't know which column type to use, you can just pass a familiar data structure like a ``list``, ``np.ndarray``, ``pd.Series``, and ``torch.Tensor`` to :meth:`~meerkat.AbstractColumn.from_data` and Meerkat will automatically pick an appropriate column type. .. ipython:: python import torch tensor = torch.tensor([1,2,3]) mk.AbstractColumn.from_data(tensor) DataPanel ---------- A :class:`DataPanel` is a collection of equal-length columns (analagous to a `DataFrame `_ in Pandas or R). DataPanels in Meerkat are used to manage datasets and per-example artifacts (*e.g.* model predictions and embeddings). Below we combine the columns we created above into a single DataPanel. We also add an additional column containing labels for the images. Note that we can pass non-Meerkat data structures like ``list``, ``np.ndarray``, ``pd.Series``, and ``torch.Tensor`` directly to the DataPanel constructor and Meerkat will infer the column type. We do not need to first convert to a Meerkat column. .. ipython:: python dp = mk.DataPanel( { "img": img_col, "label": ["boombox", "truck", "dog"], "id": id_col, } ) dp @suppress from display import display_dp @suppress display_dp(dp, "simple_dp") .. raw:: html :file: ../html/display/simple_dp.html Read on to learn how we access the data in Columns and DataPanels.