Source code for

import re
import statistics
from typing import Callable, Sequence, Union

import numpy as np
import torch

from import LazyLoader

nltk = LazyLoader("nltk")
rouge_score = LazyLoader("rouge_score")
torchmetrics = LazyLoader("torchmetrics")

[docs]def get_metric(name: str) -> Callable: """Get metrics from string names.""" if name == "accuracy": return accuracy elif name == "f1": return f1 elif name == "f1_micro": return f1_micro elif name == "f1_macro": return f1_macro else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Metric name {name} not recognized.")
[docs]def accuracy( predictions: Union[list, np.array, torch.Tensor], labels: Union[list, np.array, torch.Tensor], ): """Calculate accuracy.""" return torchmetrics.functional.accuracy(preds=predictions, target=labels)
[docs]def f1( predictions: Union[list, np.array, torch.Tensor], labels: Union[list, np.array, torch.Tensor], ): """Calculate F1 score for binary classification.""" return torchmetrics.functional.f1(preds=predictions, target=labels)
[docs]def f1_micro( predictions: Union[list, np.array, torch.Tensor], labels: Union[list, np.array, torch.Tensor], ): """Calculate micro F1 score for multi-class classification.""" return torchmetrics.functional.f1(preds=predictions, target=labels, average="micro")
[docs]def f1_macro( predictions: Union[list, np.array, torch.Tensor], labels: Union[list, np.array, torch.Tensor], ): """Calculate macro F1 score for multi-class classification.""" return torchmetrics.functional.f1(preds=predictions, target=labels, average="macro")
[docs]def class_distribution( labels: Union[list, np.array, torch.Tensor], num_classes: int = None, min_label: int = 0, ): """Calculate the aggregated class distribution.""" if isinstance(labels, list): labels = np.array(labels) if len(labels.shape) == 1: # Find the unique labels and their counts unique_labels, counts = np.unique(labels, return_counts=True) # Calculate the number of classes if num_classes is None: max_label = np.max(unique_labels) num_classes = max_label - min_label + 1 # Fill out the distribution dist = np.zeros(num_classes) dist[(unique_labels - min_label).astype(int)] = counts / labels.shape[0] return dist elif len(labels.shape) == 2: return np.mean(labels, axis=0) else: raise ValueError("`labels` must be 1 or 2-dimensional.")
[docs]def iou_score( predictions: Union[list, np.array, torch.Tensor], labels: Union[list, np.array, torch.Tensor], num_classes: int = None, ): """Calculate IoU.""" return torchmetrics.functional.iou( preds=predictions, target=labels, num_classes=num_classes ).item()
[docs]def dice( predictions: Union[list, np.array, torch.Tensor], labels: Union[list, np.array, torch.Tensor], ): """Calculate Dice Score.""" return torchmetrics.functional.dice_score(preds=predictions, target=labels).item()
# TODO Refactor into separate class for each metric # TODO change signature of compute_metric
[docs]def compute_metric( metric: str, predictions: Union[Sequence, torch.Tensor], labels: Union[Sequence, torch.Tensor], num_classes: int, ) -> Union[float, np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]: """Compute metric given predictions and target labels. Args: metric (str): name of metric predictions (Union[Sequence, torch.Tensor]): a sequence of predictions (rouge metrics) or a torch Tensor (other metrics) containing predictions labels (Union[Sequence, torch.Tensor]): a sequence of labels (rouge metrics) or a torch Tensor (other metrics) containing target labels num_classes (int): number of classes Returns: the calculate metric value """ if isinstance(predictions, torch.Tensor): predictions = predictions.cpu() if isinstance(labels, torch.Tensor): labels = labels.cpu() # Classification metrics if metric == "accuracy": return accuracy(predictions=predictions, labels=labels) elif metric == "f1": return f1(predictions=predictions, labels=labels) elif metric == "f1_micro": return f1_micro(predictions=predictions, labels=labels) elif metric == "f1_macro": return f1_macro(predictions=predictions, labels=labels) elif metric in ("Rouge-1", "Rouge-2", "Rouge-L"): # Calculate rouge scores if metric == "Rouge-1": metric_id = "rouge1" elif metric == "Rouge-2": metric_id = "rouge2" else: metric_id = "rougeLsum" scorer = rouge_score.rouge_scorer.RougeScorer([metric_id], use_stemmer=True) # TODO Remove summarizaton-specific 'format_summary' call # TODO Don't call scorer.score separately for each metric score = statistics.mean( scorer.score(format_summary(reference), format_summary(pred))[ metric ].fmeasure for reference, pred in zip(labels, predictions) ) elif metric == "class_dist": # Calculate class distribution score = class_distribution(labels=labels, num_classes=num_classes) elif metric == "pred_dist": # Calculate predicted class distribution score = class_distribution(labels=predictions, num_classes=num_classes) elif metric == "iou": # Calculate IoU score = iou_score( predictions=predictions, labels=labels, num_classes=num_classes ) elif metric == "dice_score": # Calculate Dice Score score = dice(predictions=predictions, labels=labels) else: raise NotImplementedError return score
[docs]def format_summary(x: str) -> str: """Format summary text for computing rouge.""" re.sub("<n>", "", x) # remove pegasus newline char return "\n".join(nltk.sent_tokenize(x))