Source code for meerkat.mixins.mapping

import logging
from typing import Callable, Dict, Mapping, Optional, Union

import numpy as np
from import tqdm

from meerkat.provenance import capture_provenance

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class MappableMixin: def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(MappableMixin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @capture_provenance() def map( self, function: Optional[Callable] = None, with_indices: bool = False, is_batched_fn: bool = False, batch_size: Optional[int] = 1, drop_last_batch: bool = False, num_workers: Optional[int] = 0, output_type: Union[type, Dict[str, type]] = None, materialize: bool = True, pbar: bool = False, mmap: bool = False, mmap_path: str = None, flush_size: int = None, **kwargs, ): # TODO (sabri): add materialize? from meerkat.columns.abstract import AbstractColumn from meerkat.datapanel import DataPanel """Map a function over the elements of the column.""" # Return if `self` has no examples if not len(self):"Dataset empty, returning None.") return None if not is_batched_fn: # Convert to a batch function function = self._convert_to_batch_fn( function, with_indices=with_indices, materialize=materialize, **kwargs ) is_batched_fn = True"Converting `function` {function} to a batched function.") # Run the map"Running `map`, the dataset will be left unchanged.") for i, batch in tqdm( enumerate( self.batch( batch_size=batch_size, drop_last_batch=drop_last_batch, num_workers=num_workers, materialize=materialize # TODO: collate=batched was commented out in list_column ) ), total=(len(self) // batch_size) + int(not drop_last_batch and len(self) % batch_size != 0), disable=not pbar, ): # Calculate the start and end indexes for the batch start_index = i * batch_size end_index = min(len(self), (i + 1) * batch_size) # Use the first batch for setup if i == 0: # Get some information about the function function_properties = self._inspect_function( function, with_indices, is_batched_fn, batch, range(start_index, end_index), materialize=materialize, **kwargs, ) # Pull out information output = function_properties.output dtype = function_properties.output_dtype is_mapping = isinstance(output, Mapping) is_type_mapping = isinstance(output_type, Mapping) if not is_mapping and is_type_mapping: raise ValueError( "output_type is a mapping but function output is not a mapping" ) writers = {} for key, curr_output in ( output.items() if is_mapping else [("0", output)] ): curr_output_type = ( type(AbstractColumn.from_data(curr_output)) if output_type is None or (is_type_mapping and key not in output_type.keys()) else output_type[key] if is_type_mapping else output_type ) writer = curr_output_type.get_writer( mmap=mmap, template=( curr_output.copy() if isinstance(curr_output, AbstractColumn) else None ), ) # Setup for writing to a certain output column # TODO: support optionally memmapping only some columns if mmap: if not hasattr(curr_output, "shape"): curr_output = np.array(curr_output) # Assumes first dimension of output is the batch dimension. shape = (len(self), *curr_output.shape[1:]) # Construct the mmap file path if mmap_path is None: mmap_path = self.logdir / f"{hash(function)}" / key # Open the output writer, dtype, shape=shape) else: # Create an empty dict or list for the outputs writers[key] = writer else: # Run `function` on the batch output = ( function( batch, range(i * batch_size, min(len(self), (i + 1) * batch_size)), **kwargs, ) if with_indices else function(batch, **kwargs) ) # Append the output if output is not None: if isinstance(output, Mapping): if set(output.keys()) != set(writers.keys()): raise ValueError( "Map function must return same keys for each batch." ) for k, writer in writers.items(): writer.write(output[k]) else: writers["0"].write(output) # intermittently flush if flush_size is not None and ((i + 1) % flush_size == 0): for writer in writers.values(): writer.flush() # Check if we are returning a special output type outputs = {key: writer.finalize() for key, writer in writers.items()} if not is_mapping: outputs = outputs["0"] else: # TODO (arjundd): This is duck type. We should probably make this # class signature explicit. outputs = ( self._clone(data=outputs) if isinstance(self, DataPanel) else DataPanel.from_batch(outputs) ) outputs._visible_columns = None return outputs