Source code for meerkat.datapanel

"""DataPanel class."""
from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import os
import pathlib
from typing import (

import cytoolz as tz
import datasets
import dill
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pyarrow as pa
import torch
import yaml
from pandas._libs import lib

import meerkat
from meerkat.block.manager import BlockManager
from meerkat.columns.abstract import AbstractColumn
from meerkat.columns.cell_column import CellColumn
from meerkat.mixins.cloneable import CloneableMixin
from meerkat.mixins.inspect_fn import FunctionInspectorMixin
from meerkat.mixins.lambdable import LambdaMixin
from meerkat.mixins.mapping import MappableMixin
from meerkat.mixins.materialize import MaterializationMixin
from meerkat.provenance import ProvenanceMixin, capture_provenance
from import MeerkatLoader, convert_to_batch_fn

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

Example = Dict
Batch = Dict[str, Union[List, AbstractColumn]]
BatchOrDataset = Union[Batch, "DataPanel"]

[docs]class DataPanel( CloneableMixin, FunctionInspectorMixin, LambdaMixin, MappableMixin, MaterializationMixin, ProvenanceMixin, ): """Meerkat DataPanel class.""" # Path to a log directory logdir: pathlib.Path = pathlib.Path.home() / "meerkat/" # Create a directory logdir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) def __init__( self, data: Union[dict, list, datasets.Dataset] = None, *args, **kwargs, ): super(DataPanel, self).__init__( *args, **kwargs, ) logger.debug("Creating DataPanel.") = data def _repr_pandas_(self, max_rows: int = None): if max_rows is None: max_rows = meerkat.config.DisplayOptions.max_rows df, formatters = rename = {k: f"{k} ({v.__class__.__name__})" for k, v in self.items()} return ( df[self.columns].rename(columns=rename), {rename[k]: v for k, v in formatters.items()}, ) def _repr_html_(self, max_rows: int = None): if max_rows is None: max_rows = meerkat.config.DisplayOptions.max_rows df, formatters = self._repr_pandas_(max_rows=max_rows) return df.to_html(formatters=formatters, max_rows=max_rows, escape=False)
[docs] def streamlit(self): return self._repr_pandas_()
def __repr__(self): return ( f"{self.__class__.__name__}" f"(nrows: {self.nrows}, ncols: {self.ncols})" ) def __len__(self): return self.nrows def __contains__(self, item): return item in self.columns @property def data(self) -> BlockManager: """Get the underlying data (excluding invisible rows). To access underlying data with invisible rows, use `_data`. """ return self._data def _set_data(self, value: Union[BlockManager, Mapping] = None): if isinstance(value, BlockManager): self._data = value elif isinstance(value, Mapping): self._data = BlockManager.from_dict(value) elif isinstance(value, Sequence): if not isinstance(value[0], Mapping): raise ValueError( "Cannot set DataPanel `data` to a Sequence containing object of " f" type {type(value[0])}. Must be a Sequence of Mapping." ) gen = (list(x.keys()) for x in value) columns = lib.fast_unique_multiple_list_gen(gen) data = lib.dicts_to_array(value, columns=columns) # Assert all columns are the same length data = {column: list(data[:, idx]) for idx, column in enumerate(columns)} self._data = BlockManager.from_dict(data) elif value is None: self._data = BlockManager() else: raise ValueError( f"Cannot set DataPanel `data` to object of type {type(value)}." ) @data.setter def data(self, value): self._set_data(value) @property def columns(self): """Column names in the DataPanel.""" return list( @property def nrows(self): """Number of rows in the DataPanel.""" if self.ncols == 0: return 0 return @property def ncols(self): """Number of rows in the DataPanel.""" return @property def shape(self): """Shape of the DataPanel (num_rows, num_columns).""" return self.nrows, self.ncols
[docs] def add_column( self, name: str, data: AbstractColumn.Columnable, overwrite=False ) -> None: """Add a column to the DataPanel.""" assert isinstance( name, str ), f"Column name must of type `str`, not `{type(name)}`." assert (name not in self.columns) or overwrite, ( f"Column with name `{name}` already exists, " f"set `overwrite=True` to overwrite." ) if name in self.columns: self.remove_column(name) column = AbstractColumn.from_data(data) assert len(column) == len(self) or len(self.columns) == 0, ( f"`add_column` failed. " f"Values length {len(column)} != dataset length {len(self)}." ) # Add the column[name] = column"Added column `{name}` with length `{len(column)}`.")
[docs] def remove_column(self, column: str) -> None: """Remove a column from the dataset.""" assert column in self.columns, f"Column `{column}` does not exist." # Remove the column del[column]"Removed column `{column}`.")
[docs] @capture_provenance(capture_args=["axis"]) def append( self, dp: DataPanel, axis: Union[str, int] = "rows", suffixes: Tuple[str] = None, overwrite: bool = False, ) -> DataPanel: """Append a batch of data to the dataset. `example_or_batch` must have the same columns as the dataset (regardless of what columns are visible). """ return meerkat.concat( [self, dp], axis=axis, suffixes=suffixes, overwrite=overwrite )
[docs] def head(self, n: int = 5) -> DataPanel: """Get the first `n` examples of the DataPanel.""" return self.lz[:n]
[docs] def tail(self, n: int = 5) -> DataPanel: """Get the last `n` examples of the DataPanel.""" return self.lz[-n:]
def _get(self, index, materialize: bool = False): if isinstance(index, str): # str index => column selection (AbstractColumn) if index in self.columns: return[index] raise KeyError(f"Column `{index}` does not exist.") elif isinstance(index, int): # int index => single row (dict) return { k:[k]._get(index, materialize=materialize) for k in self.columns } # cases where `index` returns a datapanel index_type = None if isinstance(index, slice): # slice index => multiple row selection (DataPanel) index_type = "row" elif (isinstance(index, tuple) or isinstance(index, list)) and len(index): # tuple or list index => multiple row selection (DataPanel) if isinstance(index[0], str): index_type = "column" else: index_type = "row" elif isinstance(index, np.ndarray): if len(index.shape) != 1: raise ValueError( "Index must have 1 axis, not {}".format(len(index.shape)) ) # numpy array index => multiple row selection (DataPanel) index_type = "row" elif torch.is_tensor(index): if len(index.shape) != 1: raise ValueError( "Index must have 1 axis, not {}".format(len(index.shape)) ) # torch tensor index => multiple row selection (DataPanel) index_type = "row" elif isinstance(index, pd.Series): index_type = "row" elif isinstance(index, AbstractColumn): # column index => multiple row selection (DataPanel) index_type = "row" else: raise TypeError("Invalid index type: {}".format(type(index))) if index_type == "column": if not set(index).issubset(self.columns): missing_cols = set(index) - set(self.columns) raise KeyError(f"DataPanel does not have columns {missing_cols}") dp = self._clone([index]) return dp elif index_type == "row": # pragma: no cover return self._clone("_get", index=index, materialize=materialize) ) # @capture_provenance(capture_args=[]) def __getitem__(self, index): return self._get(index, materialize=True) def __setitem__(self, index, value): self.add_column(name=index, data=value, overwrite=True)
[docs] def consolidate(self):
[docs] @classmethod def from_huggingface(cls, *args, **kwargs): """Load a Huggingface dataset as a DataPanel. Use this to replace `datasets.load_dataset`, so >>> dict_of_datasets = datasets.load_dataset('boolq') becomes >>> dict_of_datapanels = DataPanel.from_huggingface('boolq') """ # Load the dataset dataset = datasets.load_dataset(*args, **kwargs) if isinstance(dataset, dict): return dict( map( lambda t: (t[0], cls.from_arrow(t[1]._data)), dataset.items(), ) ) else: return cls.from_arrow(dataset._data)
[docs] @classmethod @capture_provenance() def from_jsonl( cls, json_path: str, ) -> DataPanel: """Load a dataset from a .jsonl file on disk, where each line of the json file consists of a single example.""" return cls.from_pandas(pd.read_json(json_path, orient="records", lines=True))
[docs] @classmethod @capture_provenance() def from_batch( cls, batch: Batch, ) -> DataPanel: """Convert a batch to a Dataset.""" return cls(batch)
[docs] @classmethod @capture_provenance() def from_batches( cls, batches: Sequence[Batch], ) -> DataPanel: """Convert a list of batches to a dataset.""" return cls.from_batch( tz.merge_with( tz.compose(list, tz.concat), *batches, ), )
[docs] @classmethod @capture_provenance() def from_dict( cls, d: Dict, ) -> DataPanel: """Convert a dictionary to a dataset. Alias for Dataset.from_batch(..). """ return cls.from_batch( batch=d, )
[docs] @classmethod @capture_provenance() def from_pandas( cls, df: pd.DataFrame, ): """Create a Dataset from a pandas DataFrame.""" # column names must be str in meerkat df = df.rename(mapper=str, axis="columns") return cls.from_batch( df.to_dict("series"), )
[docs] @classmethod @capture_provenance() def from_arrow( cls, table: pa.Table, ): """Create a Dataset from a pandas DataFrame.""" from meerkat.block.arrow_block import ArrowBlock from meerkat.columns.arrow_column import ArrowArrayColumn block_views = ArrowBlock.from_block_data(table) return cls.from_batch( {view.block_index: ArrowArrayColumn(view) for view in block_views} )
[docs] @classmethod @capture_provenance(capture_args=["filepath"]) def from_csv(cls, filepath: str, *args, **kwargs): """Create a Dataset from a csv file. Args: filepath (str): The file path or buffer to load from. Same as :func:`pandas.read_csv`. *args: Argument list for :func:`pandas.read_csv`. **kwargs: Keyword arguments for :func:`pandas.read_csv`. Returns: DataPanel: The constructed datapanel. """ return cls.from_pandas(pd.read_csv(filepath, *args, **kwargs))
[docs] @classmethod @capture_provenance() def from_feather( cls, path: str, ): """Create a Dataset from a feather file.""" return cls.from_batch( pd.read_feather(path).to_dict("list"), )
[docs] @capture_provenance() def to_pandas(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Convert a Dataset to a pandas DataFrame.""" return pd.DataFrame( { name: column.to_pandas().reset_index(drop=True) for name, column in self.items() } )
[docs] def to_jsonl(self, path: str) -> None: """Save a Dataset to a jsonl file.""" self.to_pandas().to_json(path, lines=True, orient="records")
def _get_collate_fns(self, columns: Iterable[str] = None): columns = if columns is None else columns return {name:[name].collate for name in columns} def _collate(self, batch: List): batch = tz.merge_with(list, *batch) column_to_collate = self._get_collate_fns(batch.keys()) new_batch = {} for name, values in batch.items(): new_batch[name] = column_to_collate[name](values) dp = self._clone(data=new_batch) return dp @staticmethod def _convert_to_batch_fn( function: Callable, with_indices: bool, materialize: bool = True, **kwargs ) -> callable: return convert_to_batch_fn( function=function, with_indices=with_indices, materialize=materialize, **kwargs, )
[docs] def batch( self, batch_size: int = 1, drop_last_batch: bool = False, num_workers: int = 0, materialize: bool = True, shuffle: bool = False, *args, **kwargs, ): """Batch the dataset. TODO: Args: batch_size: integer batch size drop_last_batch: drop the last batch if its smaller than batch_size Returns: batches of data """ cell_columns, batch_columns = [], [] from meerkat.columns.lambda_column import LambdaColumn for name, column in self.items(): if isinstance(column, (CellColumn, LambdaColumn)) and materialize: cell_columns.append(name) else: batch_columns.append(name) indices = np.arange(len(self)) if shuffle: indices = np.random.permutation(indices) if batch_columns: batch_indices = [] for i in range(0, len(self), batch_size): if drop_last_batch and i + batch_size > len(self): continue batch_indices.append(indices[i : i + batch_size]) batch_dl = self[batch_columns] if materialize else self[batch_columns].lz, sampler=batch_indices, batch_size=None, batch_sampler=None, drop_last=drop_last_batch, num_workers=num_workers, *args, **kwargs, ) if cell_columns: dp = self[cell_columns] if not shuffle else self[cell_columns].lz[indices] cell_dl = dp if materialize else dp.lz, batch_size=batch_size, collate_fn=self._collate, drop_last=drop_last_batch, num_workers=num_workers, *args, **kwargs, ) if batch_columns and cell_columns: for cell_batch, batch_batch in zip(cell_dl, batch_dl): yield self._clone(data={**, **}) elif batch_columns: for batch_batch in batch_dl: yield batch_batch elif cell_columns: for cell_batch in cell_dl: yield cell_batch
[docs] @capture_provenance(capture_args=["with_indices"]) def update( self, function: Optional[Callable] = None, with_indices: bool = False, input_columns: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, is_batched_fn: bool = False, batch_size: Optional[int] = 1, remove_columns: Optional[List[str]] = None, num_workers: int = 0, output_type: Union[type, Dict[str, type]] = None, mmap: bool = False, mmap_path: str = None, materialize: bool = True, pbar: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> DataPanel: """Update the columns of the dataset.""" # TODO(karan): make this fn go faster # most of the time is spent on the merge, speed it up further # Return if `self` has no examples if not len(self):"Dataset empty, returning None.") return self # Get some information about the function dp = self[input_columns] if input_columns is not None else self function_properties = dp._inspect_function( function, with_indices, is_batched_fn, materialize=materialize, **kwargs ) assert ( function_properties.dict_output ), f"`function` {function} must return dict." if not is_batched_fn: # Convert to a batch function function = convert_to_batch_fn( function, with_indices=with_indices, materialize=materialize, **kwargs )"Converting `function` {function} to batched function.") # Update always returns a new dataset"Running update, a new dataset will be returned.") # Copy the ._data dict with a reference to the actual columns new_dp = self.view() # Calculate the values for the new columns using a .map() output = function=function, with_indices=with_indices, is_batched_fn=True, batch_size=batch_size, num_workers=num_workers, output_type=output_type, input_columns=input_columns, mmap=mmap, mmap_path=mmap_path, materialize=materialize, pbar=pbar, **kwargs, ) # Add new columns for the update for col, vals in new_dp.add_column(col, vals, overwrite=True) # Remove columns if remove_columns: for col in remove_columns: new_dp.remove_column(col)"Removed columns {remove_columns}.") return new_dp
[docs] @capture_provenance() def map( self, function: Optional[Callable] = None, with_indices: bool = False, input_columns: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, is_batched_fn: bool = False, batch_size: Optional[int] = 1, drop_last_batch: bool = False, num_workers: int = 0, output_type: Union[type, Dict[str, type]] = None, mmap: bool = False, mmap_path: str = None, materialize: bool = True, pbar: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> Optional[Union[Dict, List, AbstractColumn]]: input_columns = self.columns if input_columns is None else input_columns dp = self[input_columns] return super(DataPanel, dp).map( function=function, with_indices=with_indices, is_batched_fn=is_batched_fn, batch_size=batch_size, drop_last_batch=drop_last_batch, num_workers=num_workers, output_type=output_type, mmap=mmap, mmap_path=mmap_path, materialize=materialize, pbar=pbar, **kwargs, )
[docs] @capture_provenance(capture_args=["function"]) def filter( self, function: Optional[Callable] = None, with_indices=False, input_columns: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, is_batched_fn: bool = False, batch_size: Optional[int] = 1, drop_last_batch: bool = False, num_workers: int = 0, materialize: bool = True, pbar: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> Optional[DataPanel]: """Filter operation on the DataPanel.""" # Return if `self` has no examples if not len(self):"DataPanel empty, returning None.") return None # Get some information about the function dp = self[input_columns] if input_columns is not None else self function_properties = dp._inspect_function( function, with_indices, is_batched_fn=is_batched_fn, materialize=materialize, **kwargs, ) assert function_properties.bool_output, "function must return boolean." # Map to get the boolean outputs and indices"Running `filter`, a new DataPanel will be returned.") outputs = function=function, with_indices=with_indices, input_columns=input_columns, is_batched_fn=is_batched_fn, batch_size=batch_size, drop_last_batch=drop_last_batch, num_workers=num_workers, materialize=materialize, pbar=pbar, **kwargs, ) indices = np.where(outputs)[0] # filter returns a new datapanel return self.lz[indices]
[docs] def merge( self, right: meerkat.DataPanel, how: str = "inner", on: Union[str, List[str]] = None, left_on: Union[str, List[str]] = None, right_on: Union[str, List[str]] = None, sort: bool = False, suffixes: Sequence[str] = ("_x", "_y"), validate=None, ): from meerkat import merge return merge( self, right, how=how, on=on, left_on=left_on, right_on=right_on, sort=sort, suffixes=suffixes, validate=validate, )
[docs] def items(self): for name in self.columns: yield name,[name]
[docs] def keys(self): return self.columns
[docs] def values(self): for name in self.columns: yield[name]
[docs] @classmethod def read( cls, path: str, *args, **kwargs, ) -> DataPanel: """Load a DataPanel stored on disk.""" # Load the metadata metadata = dict( yaml.load(open(os.path.join(path, "meta.yaml")), Loader=MeerkatLoader) ) state = dill.load(open(os.path.join(path, "state.dill"), "rb")) dp = cls.__new__(cls) dp._set_state(state) # Load the the manager mgr_dir = os.path.join(path, "mgr") if os.path.exists(mgr_dir): data =, **kwargs) else: # backwards compatability to pre-manager datapanels data = { name:, "columns", name), *args, **kwargs) for name, dtype in metadata["column_dtypes"].items() } dp._set_data(data) return dp
[docs] def write( self, path: str, ) -> None: """Save a DataPanel to disk.""" # Make all the directories to the path os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True) # Get the DataPanel state state = self._get_state() # Get the metadata metadata = { "dtype": type(self), "column_dtypes": {name: type(col) for name, col in}, "len": len(self), } # write the block manager mgr_dir = os.path.join(path, "mgr") # Write the state state_path = os.path.join(path, "state.dill") dill.dump(state, open(state_path, "wb")) # Save the metadata as a yaml file metadata_path = os.path.join(path, "meta.yaml") yaml.dump(metadata, open(metadata_path, "w"))
@classmethod def _state_keys(cls) -> Set[str]: """List of attributes that describe the state of the object.""" return set() def _view_data(self) -> object: return def _copy_data(self) -> object: return def __finalize__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self